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More details have emerged concerning the incident involving a man whuppin' his Mama over the head with an "object attached to a bicycle chain," in retaliation for voicing her thoughts on Katharine McPhee's post-American Idol career prospects. Speaking out in defense of her troubled boy, Cory K. Favreau, Jan Chagnon wants the world to know that her son is no mace-swinging, card-carrying Soul Patrol maniac:

"It's not like he repeatedly hit me over the head. (The media) make it out like he stood there and beat me with a chain with a hook on it. ... I had to get only one stitch."

She claims Favreau was attempting to rumple up her hair when he mistakenly cut her head open with the bottle opener, which had been a free gift with the purchase of two packs of Camel cigarettes. [...]

Chagnon said Favreau had taken "a bunch of hydrocodones throughout the day" and one pill of Klonopin, a medication used to treat panic disorders. She said he was also drinking 160-proof vodka while they watched the "American Idol" finale. [...]

She said her son is a caring person who "would never even hurt an insect."

But she also said that when police tried to arrest Favreau he "wrestled with them a little bit.

Our hearts break a bit for the unsettlingly large-headed Favreau, pictured above at his arraignment, and looking very sad in his striped prisoner uniform (isn't that just for cartoons and Three Stooges movies?) and menacing shackles. Disregarding his inebriated attempts at piledriving the authorities, Favreau most probably poses no great threat to his mother, the insect world, or society in general. The entire media-fueled affair appears to have been nothing more than an isolated and regrettable instance of an Idol fan getting a little too carried away with their "get-trashed-along-with-Paula" audience participation fun.