Geek out: DHX
Coders converged in South San Francisco this weekend for SuperHappyDevHouse 10 (or "DHX"), a competitive version of the popular Valley coding fest. Teams cranked out startups that are now running, without any extra admin work, to see which rakes in the most cash. Attendee Tom Harrison let Valleywag abuse his pics of the event.

"What's the business model for Tetris?"

A team's work halts as Malcolm Gladwell wows them all with stories and psychological insights. Nothing gets done, but the inspired team soon makes $2 million in the consulting biz.

David Weekly (right) and cohorts snack at an In-n-Out Burger, where David recalls his high school summer job as a rollerskate waitress.

"No one liked my project."

From this angle, the project looks flippable.

"Nothing! Nothing! He was just...balancing my servers."

This isn't from the DevHouse — it's Google's brig for insubordinate developers.

Another disappointing first Goatse.

"Actually, I work here, and what the hell are you doing in my building?"

Why is this man so happy? He just built Porn 2.0, and he knows he'll win.