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A Gawker reader who checked into "a hotel room on a wild and blustery Pacific beach in Panama" found a bit of detritus presumably left behind by a previous guest: a cover sheet from the "Vanity Fair Daily Gossip Pack" for May 4, 2006.

We're guessing by that title that it's not the standard-issue clips packet circulated at many pubs — rounding up mentions of the title and its big names — but rather a collation of all the day's gossip columns, because God forbid Graydon should smudge his manicured fingers with both the Post and the News. So we're amused by the existence of the thing, and we're amused that it apparently circulates daily, but mostly we're amused by the distribution list at the bottom, which shows that the packet goes to some 81 people, several of whom receive it "via London pouch" or "via LA pouch." Because documents of this sensitivity can only travel by daily diplomatic-style pouch. A fax — or, God forbid, an email attachment — would never do.

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