Stalker Given Three Years To Develop Crush On A 'Younger Sandra Bullock Type'

Even if the occasional unannounced visit and needy voicemail about unrequited affection gets a little creepy at times, a stalker will still love you when your agent is a little slower to return your phone calls than you'd like:
A man Sandra Bullock says stalked her across several states and relentlessly sent her faxes and e-mails was ordered Wednesday to keep his distance from the actress for three more years. [...]
Bullock, 41, has said in court papers that Weldon followed her from Michigan to Texas to California, sent her e-mails and faxes and left voice mail messages. Gesine Bullock, who works for her sister's company, Fortis Films Inc., said Weldon once called the actress seven times in two days trying to set up a date.
Of course, had Gesine contacted the authorities immediately, instead of relying on the same ineffective boy-deflecting phone tactics she used throughout the sisters' adolescence ("Hello? Um, hold on. SANDRA! It's your STAALLKER! What?! Oh! Uh, Sandra's not in right now. Can I take a message?"), perhaps these further restraining order-seeking measures wouldn't have been necessary.