Jessica Simpson Makes Nick Lachey An Offer He Can Refuse

According to, Jessica Simpson has offered Nick Lachey a divorce settlement of "less than $1.5 million," an f-off number way beneath the 50 percent he's entitled to, with Simpson allegedly banking on the fact that Lachey will sooner accept the sum than engage in a nasty and embarrassing legal battle for his share of her earnings. Simpson's father/manager/creepy stringpuller Joe Simpson put in a call, TMZ reports, attempting to convince his former son-in-liability to take the money and run:
Indeed, sources have confirmed to TMZ that Joe Simpson, Jessica's dad, has called Nick, urging him to take the settlement so the two can "end as friends." And other friends and reps of Jessica have contacted Nick, trying to pressure him into a settlement.
Sources say Lachey "absolutely will not ask for spousal support," even though legally he has a right to press that claim. He will not, however, accept a paltry settlement that in no way approaches what he would be legally entitled to under the law
Lachey should take some solace in knowing that the public's sympathy, at least as measured by an unscientific Kitson shopping trends poll, falls firmly in his camp: An item in NY Daily News JV gossip Lloyd Grove's column today reports Simpson recently bought a stack of Team Jessica T-shirts, when she noticed the Team Nick pile sitting next to them was nearly sold out. The tops won't go to waste, however: Should Lachey choose to sue her for spousal support, Simpson plans on having her assistant pack them into favor-currying gift bags placed on each and every judge and jury chair, in which they'll also be delighted to find a signed DVD copy of Dukes of Hazzard, and one of the many unsold pairs of her trendy and affordable line of Princy Jeans.