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Hey, Steve Jobs foot fetish crowd, you're in luck! Inspired by the search for Jobs's feet, a reader spills about the Apple CEO's tootsies:

Back in the day, say circa 1998 or some such. Steve has returned majesterially back to Apple and he's doing the annual Nuremburg Rally (aka MacWorld San Francisco keynote). And he's pissed when he gets off stage because his feet hurt. He had decided to wear a pair of desert boots and his poor iCEO tootsies were getting squished. Desert boots? I know, hard to imagine this king of cool plumping for a pair of Clarke's. So some unfortunate PR staffer had to go and buy him a pair of NewBalance cross-trainers to ensure he'd do all the follow on interviews.

Anyways the point of all this is to tell you Steve Jobs has massive feet. I mean enormous loafs of bread. We're talking Sasquatch. Size 14s if memory serves and extra wide as well — he was very specific on the extra wide thing. I hope the shoe designers at Nike know what's coming to them: angry emails from BigFoot of Cupertino!

As Julia Roberts put it, "Big feet,"

Earlier: How long has Steve Jobs worn Nikes? [Valleywag]