NBC Chokes In Game Of Programming Chicken

Having found himself in the unenviable position of having his peacock messiah, Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, grabbed by its feathered neck and thrown into a Burbank back alley for a proposed cockfight with ABC's unstoppable Grey's Anatomy, NBC president Kevin Reilly has finally succumbed to the deadly game of network programming chicken, moving 60 from the Thursday at 9 p.m. slot to the more poultry-friendly waters of Mondays at 10 p.m.:
Now NBC is scheduling that time slot with its game show "Deal or No Deal," which was a surprise midseason hit for the network.
"We are countering the 'Grey's'/'CSI' combo," said Kevin Reilly, president of NBC Entertainment, during a conference call with reporters Thursday. "It is a genuine alternative to the very tough drama competition."
We have to assume this concession must have been a difficult one for Reilly, who came out of the upfronts gates swinging this year, touting a bold rebirth for the fourth place network. Not only must he face the emasculating prospects of having forfeited an unofficial TV honcho manhood-measuring contest, but the reality is probably quickly setting in that the cornerstone slot of NBC's once "Must See TV" empire is now in the hands of a bald, obsessive compulsive Canadian, and his small army of Samsonite-toting robo-models.