This image was lost some time after publication.'s unquestioned dominance of the sidewalks outside of various Hollywood drinking establishments has finally yielded new footage advancing the storyline of the Shitfaced Brandon Davis Firecrotch Diatribe affair, as the website's egress-haunting videographers caught Lindsay Lohan at Shag the other night, shouting, "Did you see the video?" as she exited the new club. Lohan wisely refrained from answering in the affirmative or rebutting Davis's earlier, drunken denoucement of her shockingly meager $7 million personal worth as she fled for the safety of her automobile, where, thankfully, no TMZ camera crew was waiting to ask her, "But what about the firecrotch, Lindsay? Are you red down there?" a query they are no doubt saving for their next encounter in front of Privilege later this week.