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We really, really didn't want to have to think about Ryan Seacrest again today, but a news bulletin arriving from the Extra publicity department concerning a mishap the Idol host suffered when he decided to sit on a glass table not rated to support his less-than-burly frame have ruined an otherwise blissfully Seacrest-free afternoon. An excerpt from the press release:

There's a bulletin board with all these cards on the bulletin board and on those cards are the different moving parts of the show so they can change things around. So I go walk over to see the board a little bit closer and there's a glass table next to the board that's framed by a little bit of metal... I decide 'I'm 155 lbs,I can sit on this thing!'" Think again Ryan! The next thing he heard was a "huge pop" and "I fall between the framing, into the middle, my legs up in the air in a pool of glass. I felt like the biggest idiot!"

The worst, Ryan says, what the firefighters saw when they arrived to assist him. "Picture this. I'm in a suit cause I had to shoot something after this meeting. I'm in full hair, full make-up, a suit and blood all over my hand, my feet up in the air and glass in my a—."

Indeed, Seacrest's feet-in-the-air, glass-in-the-ass position must have been an incredibly embarrassing one, especially when he had to concoct a believable explanation as to why the paramedics who immediately arrived on the scene shouldn't dislodge him from the table, just fix his hair and wait for some firefighters to stroll by.