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Oh, that's too cute. As the creator of this adorable little Steve Gillmor animation said, "Ding dong, everything's dead." Watch or just play the audio of the ZDNet pundit declaring search, Office, and so many other wicked witches, dead under Dorothy's porch.

Incidentally, this sound would go great with the stomach-churning Marissa Mayer laugh. The guy who laid down the Marissa Beat Box says:

Here is the userid & password for the Odeo account. You can have people add their stuff straight to the odeo marissalaugh podcast. that way you can get flash players for all of the submissions and have odeo host them.

fun fun fun
userid: marissalaugh
password: marissa

So keep those remixes coming, and we'll have a Valleywag soundtrack built in no time.

Coroner Gillmor [Amyloo's OPML blog]