Last night's Publishers Lunch weekly roundup brought news of yet another prominent blogger's book deal:

Editor-at-large at Washingtonian and founding blogger at FishbowlDC Garrett M. Graff's THE FIRST CAMPAIGN: the Democrats and the Digital Age, following the efforts of Mark Warner, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, and others to position themselves for the 2008 nomination, and the candidates' efforts to update the party's themes and outlook for the age of globalization, to Paul Elie at Farrar, Straus, for publication in fall 2007, with updates via the web through Election Day 2008, by Timothy Seldes at Russell & Volkening.

We've always found Graff to be perfectly charming and friendly, and we wish him the best. But we are surprised by one thing: Why is he not represented by Kate Lee?

Oh, and speaking of book news: This one wasn't in the weekly update, but we hear Harper's senior editor and flash mobs creator Bill Wasik has sold a nonfiction book on the flash-mob phenomenon. We just hope it's really an actual book. Because if it turns out this "news" is merely a sociological experiment/commentary on deindividuation and literary scenesterism, well, then we'll feel like shnooks.

Earlier: Flash Mob Inventor Tells All