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We're getting some mixed responses as to who's working with Maer Roshan on Radar 3.0; besides possibly Remy Stern and definitely Chris Tennant, there's reportedly a third hire and maybe, we're told, there's a fourth in the mix. One name we keep hearing is freelancer Tyler Gray, a contributing writer for Radar 2.0. Gray wrote some of the magazine's longer pieces, and Maer may be bringing him on in a more involved role. Makes sense, though we imagine a full-time gig would infringe on Gray's Disneyworld time.

The other name, which is way out of left field and not necessarily believable, but nevertheless hilarious, is Page Six grizzly Chris Wilson. Think about it: He's been at the Post forever, and his apartment can only hold so much swag. Plus, now that Deborah Schoeneman blatantly based a drug-addled character in her new book on him, nailing specific details right down to his hometown, Wilson might want to find a new gig. If he used the pages of the Post to disembowel Schoeneman as revenge, it'd be too obvious. But to do it via Radar? Buzzy!

Earlier: But Does the Radar Staff Get to Use Burkle's Jet?