You have things to do this weekend! You are very busy and important!

  • Friday and Saturday: TiECon 2006. From Indus Valley to Silicon Valley, the TiE Conference founders travelled to tomorrow's center of the universe to promote the entrepreneurial spirit. Hear from business heavyweights like investor John Doerr, statesman John Dean, and Japanese nicotine drink salesman Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • Friday and Saturday: DCamp is another "unconference"! OH BOY.
  • Friday: Chris Anderson, God's gift to Wired (source: Chris Anderson), talks about his book, The Long Tail.
  • Saturday: It's like religion for smart people! There's an overflow room for the latecomers at the Singularity Summit at Stanford, where we'll all hear about the coming of the glorious millenium. Catch me there; I'll be checking my e-mail, so ping if you wanna meet up.
  • Saturday: For those staying in the real world tomorrow, Meetro's holding a barbecue in Palo Alto.