Geek out: Stirr Mk. II

Didn't make it to the second iteration of the Stirr emerging tech event? Neither did I, despite digging Stirr #1. But through the magic of the Internets, we can pretend we were there. Photos courtesy of Hot From Silicon Valley (actual approval pending).

Whoa. The Mint Pages founder Angie Chang is totally gonna blog your makeup.

Pandemonium ensues when the Meetro staff reinterprets "Naked Conversations."
A baker's half-dozen more, after the jump.

"This is Armand, and he's about to fund me with two million."
"Haha, no, I—"
"Shut up, Armand."

Straight from the warehouse: Rent your Web 2.0 Grinning Asian Girls today!

"When I get tired of a conversation, I just gently sway my head back and forth. Always hypnotizes them."

"So did these guys want to re-create the Best Buy prank?"
"Dude, they're Valley wonks. Thomas Kinkade has a sharper sense of irony than these guys."

"Wastin' away — sing along! — in Margaritaville!"

Stirr organizer Sean Ness quickly adopted a Lord of the Flies strategy: "Whoever holds the Valleyschwag pack has the floor."

Sporting a really killer Botox job, George Clooney cannot escape getting Gawkered.

That's as exciting as a Valley party gets. Dear New York: Please send drugs. Kthxbye.