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No matter what George Clooney can do or say to get people to focus on the genocide in Darfur, the only crime against humanity Americans are currently interested in involves the elimination of Chris Daughtry from American Idol. Somehow, having a platform of 40 million people hanging on your every Creed cover note for months wasn't nearly reward enough, as the guy has been telling anyone who'll listen how he's been robbed of the Idol tiara. (And, according to this amusing Photoshop montage, that was just the start of many shafts to follow.) It turns out, however, we may be looking at a Florida recount-type situation, as some voters are complaining their calls were directed to the wrong contestant: has received numerous e-mails and bulletin board posts claiming that voters who dialed the first of Daughtry's two phone numbers were greeted by a recorded message from "Idol" singer Katharine McPhee, thanking the caller for voting for her.

There is a swelling resentment against icy beauty McPhee, and having her voice on the other end of the line cordially thanking Daughtry fans for their unwitting votes certainly won't help to ingratiate her. We're nevertheless convinced a recount would probably be a waste of time, however, as the dorky looking dude who made up the story about being a deaf diabetic has this thing all but sewn up.