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An operative submits this David Spade sighting from last night, in which Spade, who so memorably defended his budding relationship with Heather Locklear from accusations of adulterous naughty-making via cardboard puppet theater last week on The Showbiz Show, was spied chatting up a suspiciously non-Locklear female:

I saw David Spade at Jones last night. He was with a bunch of people in a big booth, and as the group dwindled he propped himself up on a couple of phone books and worked his Lilliputian mojo on a cute, apparently unmarried girl in a designer baseball cap. We did not wait to see if she carried him home in it.

The above encounter notwithstanding, Spade might soon find himself entangled in another round of homewrecking rumors. A series of incriminating pictures of the Stanley Cup's promotional appearance on the set of Showbiz seem to have caught Spade in the act of making time with Ryan Seacrest's latest photo-op partner. No trophy conquest should ever be asked to make a choice between two such unappealing options.