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Tango — the magazine for desperate ladies obsessed with love — has taken their ass and pony show online, and they're looking for a new web editor. In their job listing, they write the following:

About Our Company: Tango is a brand new magazine focused on the culture's hottest topic: love and relationships. Think Sex and The City meets Oprah Magazine. Media outlets from Fox News and WWD to NPR and have praised Tango since it launched in February 2005. The LA Times called Tango "the ultimate chick magazine"!

Huh? The only item where we've so much as uttered a word about Tango is regarding an old list of 2005 magazine launches that had Mediapost getting all excited. Tango was included in the anticipatory list, to which we wrote: Tango? Such precious naivete!

Honestly, we don't really care about being misrepresented (hell, we hardly know how to represent ourselves), and we kinda get off on being used. But if Tango lied about us, we can only imagine the sort of lies they've told about their other notable supporters. Sullying Fox News simply cannot stand.

Web Editor - Tango Media [Mediabistro]
Earlier: Remember the Magazine Year That Kinda Wasn't