Ellen DeGeneres Likes Her Women With A Little Non-Anorexic Meat On Their Bones

Portia de Rossi credits her girlfriend Ellen DeGeneres with having helped her overcome a life-threatening eating disorder:
de Rossi claims it was thanks to DeGeneres that she was finally able to be honest about her eating disorder which almost killed her. De Rossi says, "Learning to be more honest is probably the biggest influence that Ellen has had on me. We've talked a lot about this, which is a big thing for me. Ellen has never really worried about her weight and is more on the side of feeling angry that for women to be perceived as beautiful, they need to be skinny."
It appears Hollywood's golden all-girl couple have found the elusive chemistry that makes a high-profile showbiz relationship work: Ellen offers her strength, warmth and wit, and in return Portia looks hot, though just plump enough to diminish the chances of her running off with any penis-having cameramen.