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From a particularly nutty Alicia Colon column, published today in New York's second-favorite right-wing daily:

How on earth did we women ever get the vote? If intellectual acumen were a requirement for suffrage today, we'd still be waiting for our shot at the ballot box. Fortunately, the pioneering suffragettes who fought for the 19th Amendment had their heads screwed on tight — unlike the "Sex and the City" groupies who think abortion as birth control is something worth fighting for. Five girls from Queens are holding a Brooklyn beer fund-raiser this week for their poor sisters in South Dakota, who've lost their right to kill their babies in utero.

Women are stupid; intelligence should be a prerequisite for voting rights; women shouldn't be allowed to vote; Sex and the City fans view abortion as birth control; abortion is murder. All in 94 words. Nice work, Alicia.

[Incidentally, it's a fund-raiser for Planned Parenthood in South Dakota, which banned all abortions except where the mother's life is in danger, and it'll be held Thursday night at Cafe Grumpy in Greenpoint.]

Do Women Deserve to Vote? [NYSun]