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Perhaps we were a little too quick to mock The Times a few months ago during their 27-part-series, How Sleep is Slept in America. Specifically, The Times drew attention to the fact that "Ambien has been implicated in enough automobile accidents that it has commanded the attention of top forensic scientists." While we were dubious at the time, the NYT's thesis has indeed been borne out: Witness Rhode Island congressman Patrick Kennedy's assertion that his recent vehicular altercation with a Capitol Hill traffic barrier was the result of the controversial sleep aid. Kennedy driving jokes are such a low form of comedy that even Clyde Haberman seems embarrassed to use them (he still does, but, you know, not happily) so we're just going to suggest that Senator Ada Smith look into the possibility that the sedative causes robusta rage.

Patrick Kennedy Crashes Car Into a Capitol Hill Barrier [NYT]
Ambien in the Driver's Seat [NYT]

Earlier: 'NYT' Discovers the Munchies