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Starting today, Facebook lets employees from over 1000 companies make corporate profiles (share tagged photos of yourself coked up at the office party!). While this might kill the cool factor for the first 10 Facebooked companies, it means no one in Silicon Valley will be left out in the cold. Anyone with an e-mail addy at Agilent, Amazon, Google, Juniper, Oracle, Sun — even the handful of employees at YouTube get accounts. Yep, everybody's in the Facebook club.

Except for Yahoo AOL.

Guess we know who's not buying Facebook.

Update: The fact-check giveth, the fact-check taketh away: somehow I didn't see that Yahoo is on Facebook's list (must've missed it in, um, all those companies starting with Y), nor that AOL isn't. YOUR CHOICE OF SLOPPY-SECONDS PUNCHLINES:
1. That's what you get, AOL, for daring to live outside the Valley.
2. 'Cause if they let AOL in, Jason Calacanis would overload the server with his "friends" list.

Network Listing: Companies [Facebook]
Facebook opens its doors to a slew of companies today [Inside Facebook]