Randy Quaid And Focus Features Keep Their Love A Secret

Variety reported late yesterday afternoon that the ugliness between Brokeback Mountain gay cowboy enabler Randy Quaid and Focus Features, the studio that he felt used his love of independent cinema to trick him into accepting a lower fee to appear in four scenes in the movie, may have finally ended with a "backdoor agreement" (Var's words, not ours, though you know our affection for a good sodomy pun) between the parties. Focus, however, is coyly denying the rekindling of their romance:
But Focus, in a statement, said: "Randy Quaid is a wonderful actor who delivered a beautiful performance in 'Brokeback Mountain.' The circumstances of him dropping the suit are as mysterious as the circumstances under which he filed his claim. Focus Features never negotiated, offered or agreed to any settlement agreement with Mr. Quaid or his attorneys, but we are happy to put this behind us, and do wish Mr. Quaid all the best."
In the interest of respecting the spirit of the film, we are happy to refrain from coughing "bullshit" into a balled fist, and instead look away as Quaid and Focus doff their shirts atop an idyllic hill, embrace in seeming anger, then tumble down its grassy slope in a tangle of giggles and stolen kisses.
God, we miss Brokeback jokes.