Nominations for the Snacky or Flacky contest, where Valleywag readers will elect the sexiest PR person in tech, is extended through the night. Voting begins tomorrow. Here are more lovely flacks, nominated by you.

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The flack: Kay Luo
The firm: Simply Hired, marketing director
The pic: Kay Luo [Orkut]
The juice: Her dog is friends with TechCrunch blogger Michael Arrington's. Internet friends, anyway.

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The flack: Dina Freeman
The firm: Yahoo
The pic: Dina and Lesley [Flickr]
The juice: Her Yahoo 360 profile's employment gap from 2000 to 2002 hides a secret Dina is too humble to admit: She spent the entire two years rescuing kittens trapped in fires and babies stuck up trees.

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The flack: Nathan Tyler
The firm: Google
The pic: e-mailed
The juice: Already declared the hottest man in Google, this flack left the company but still works as a PR consultant.

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The flack: Carlos Odio
The firm: ShopWiki, publicist
The pic: e-mailed
The juice: Says a co-worker: "Here at, the ladies want to be with him and the men all want to be him." Rowr.

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The flack: Jaime "Jinks" Le
The firm: Network Appliance
The pic: e-mailed
The juice: Jinks's whole office is bummed that she just got married. Best wishes, of course, to her husband, the lucky dog.

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The flack: Tiffany Frye
The firm: Apple (PowerSchool division)
The pic:Tiffany [MySpace]
The juice: What can I tell you that you don't already know? She's one of those people with the fully fleshed-out MySpace profile (Dear Tiffany — me too! Seehowmuchwehaveincommonlet'sgetmarried!)

More, more, we'll never be satisfied. E-mail by Tuesday morning with your nominee.

More nominees: Snacky or Flacky [Valleywag]
Part of: PR Valleywag Hotties: Snacky or Flacky? [Valleywag]

UPDATE: Dear Apple PR: Don't hate on Tiffany! It was Valleywag's call, not hers, to put her in the contest. E-mail editor @ valleywag . com to discuss with us directly.