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The latest from of The Fabulous Life of Harold Evans and Tina Brown:

For the past 10 years, Harry and Tina have loved and lived in their East 57th Street townhouse, home to many a glamorous book party and boisterous table-tennis tournament. But when developer Jon Kully buys the townhouse next door and plans to build a 15-story condominium complex in its place, Harry and Tina realize they may lose their beloved 1300-square-foot garden, which rests between the two properties.

In this all-new, high-drama episode, Harry and Tina must find the strength to defend their glorified patio, drawing upon six inches of the garden wall that they can claim as their own. The Buildings Department takes their side, but will Kully continue with plans to file his own lawsuit? Tune in next week to learn the fate of Harold and Tina's bluestone pavers and planted borders!

What a Difference Six Inches Makes [NYT]