Monday Morning Box Office: Robin Williams Takes Down Terrorists

Brighten your post-Coachella Blue Monday with the weekend box office numbers:
1. RV—$16.4 million
2. United 93—$11.61 million
The studios offered moviegoers two different opportunities to lock themselves in a metal tube hurtling toward disaster this weekend, and Americans responded by choosing to experience the still-unfolding tragedy of Robin Williams' recent career over reopening the wounds of 9/11. We get the feeling that the decision was much more difficult than the chasm between the first and second place box office totals might suggest, with ticket-buyers finally opting to go the RV route after a gut-wrenching choice to truly test the boundaries of human suffering.
3. Stick It—$11.26 million
We will go to our grave defending cheerleading masterwork Bring It On as one of the greatest cinematic triumphs of the last twenty-five years, but we just couldn't get past the idea that showing up to a gymnastics movie patronized primarily by teenage girls would land our names on a list of suspected underage-girls-hurtling-through-the-air fetishists.
4. Silent Hill—$9.3 million
5. Scary Movie 4—$7.8 million
Both movies fell off more than 50 percent from last weekend's grosses, and The Benchwarmers tumbled to tenth place, clear indicators that bored teenagers finally abandoned the multiplex to return to their huffing habits. We knew moviegoing was only a phase.