Snoop Dogg And Crew's Heathrow Brawl

Just when you thought he had been all but effectively neutered by the showbiz establishment, Hollywood's Cuddliest Gangster, Snoop Dogg, has reverted back to his thug-life roots. In about as unfair a battle royale pairing as we can imagine, the hip-hop star and his entourage of over 30 hulking Snoopettes pummeled a small army of British Airways staff and London's nightstick-twirling finest after being refused entry to the VIP lounge at Heathrow:
He is claimed to have screamed at staff and thrown bottles of duty-free whisky after his 30-strong entourage was refused entry to the British Airways lounge at Terminal 1. Only three were said to hold first-class tickets. All were subsequently refused entry to their aircraft and banned from travelling with BA.
Police were called and were escorting the group away when another disturbance broke out. One of the officers suffered a broken hand and others had cuts and bruises. [...]
An airport employee, who asked not to be named, said: "There were all these huge 20-stone men smashing up display cabinets and throwing people around. I saw Snoop Dogg on the ground with four police trying to put him in handcuffs. His minders were throwing bottles of duty-free at people. Then the police used pepper spray on them."
The melee will undoubtedly make the rapper a local antihero for a segment of disenfranchised English youth who still adhere to the precepts of the punk dogma. But we can't help but mourn the fact that any chances of a "Sir Snoop" knighting ceremony presided over by the Queen have been all but effectively negated by the regrettable actions of the cultural ill-will ambassador and his Bobby-tossing henchmen.