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Interesting news today from Lloyd Grove. (Huh. That felt weird.) The Lloydster reports that Time's top editor, jolly Jim Kelly, will soon be leaving his post, perhaps as early as June. There's a non-denial from a Time Inc. flack ("Jim Kelly is very much in charge of charting the current and future course of Time magazine") and a non-denial from Jim, too ("I get job offers all the time, and if I'm offered a late-night TV hosting gig, I'm taking it"), and the combination of the two sort of seals it for us. Best we can tell, there aren't any late-night slots open right now, but we're confident Jim will land on his feet somewhere — maybe the vacant Time Inc. editorial director spot? maybe a cushy editor-at-large gig? But never mind his future. The more important question is ours. Will the new managing editor be as solicitous as Jim of the media press? One really hopes so. Bercovici needs his Scotch.

Time to Turn the Page to a New Editor [NYDN]