Surfing With The Pelican: Vanity Fair Vs. Pellicano

· So we finally got around to wading through the huge Vanity Fair piece on the Anthony Pellicano Wiretapping Trial of the Century—let's just say that WiFi reaches the bathroom and leave it at that—and were slightly disappointed that Nicole Kidman stopped short of our turkey-baster line in her eavesdropped conversation, but did reportedly taunt the unwanted guests on the line with the occasional, "So, Tom, are you listening? Am I saying what you want me to say?" (Clearly, she was constitutionally too feisty for that marriage to work.) But the rest of the piece is apparently damaging enough that... [Vanity Fair]
· ...the US Attorney's Office told VF writer John Connolly that the Pelican has threatened his safety, and Pellicano's ex-wife Kat, featured extensively in the story, claims that she didn't give her permission to be quoted. That sound you are hearing is the splat of several shits hitting mupltiple fans. [Deadline Hollywood Daily]
· Crushing irony alert: Pellicano has accused the feds of spying on him in prison. But as far as we can tell, he hasn't yet claimed they bugged the phone that lets him communicate with guests through the glass barrier in the visitor's cubicle. [LAT]
· And what of guilty-pleading Die Hard director John McTiernan's future projects? Courthouse News reports: "Bms Picture Three has sued John McTiernan for fraud and breach of contract in Los Angeles Superior Court, claiming he failed to inform Bms that he was being investigated for hiring private eye Anthony Pellicano, of wiretap fame, and McTiernan has failed to perform and may not be able to direct the movie Crash Bandits." [Courthouse News]