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As if things aren't already tough enough for the Sun, New York's little right-wing paper that sometimes can, now it's facing a vicious attack from within. This email from publicity chief Maggie Shnayerson was circulated to the staff earlier this afternoon:

From: Maggie Shnayerson
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 1:46:50 PM
To: ~NY Sun Office Staff
Subject: Mints - Important

All Staff,

A package for the Marketing and Promotions Department was inadvertently opened last night and left on top of the mailboxes on the 2nd floor. The package contained small round silver mint tins with the Sun's logo on them. Approximately 20 of these tins are now missing. These are promotional items, which were extremely expensive to purchase and are in no way meant for staff members. If you misunderstood for whom these items were intended and took one or more mint tins, please either bring them to me on the fourth floor or place them in my mailbox on the second floor. I don't care who took them, but I do need them all back as soon as possible.

Though I'm sure it was simply a misunderstanding, if a package does not have your name on it, then the contents are not up for grabs. If there is no name on a package, please do not take the contents within — inform Michelle Eusebio at the front desk.

Thank you.

On the other hand, we hear Lipsky's breath has been smelling much better lately.

Earlier: Gawker's coverage of the 'New York Sun.'