• The Mozilla Foundation shows the best Firefox Flicks at San Fran's Kabuki Theater at 2 PM. The best grassroots ads for the indie Firefox browser will be shown — and the best of the best get prizes, including a massive three-screen monitor. [Spread Firefox]
  • Thursty Thursday, "the leading weekly Thursday-after-work-happy-hour-gathering-for-professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area," starts at Gordon Biersch (Embarcadero and Harrison) after work (Googlers: this does not mean 2 AM) tonight. Bring your liver.
  • Niall Kennedy hosts another SF Tech Sessions demo night. Meebo (use your IM accounts on the web), Userplane (chat and video chat), and Linden Lab (explore the fancy 3D world of Second Life) demo their products at Microsoft's SF office. No bar and fish tray this time, but Niall promises pizza and "soda and other fizzies." Or brown-bag it from Thursty Thursdays. [SF Tech Sessions]