I almost feel sorry for Jon Schwartz. Almost.

All day I've fielded comments about Jon Schwartz, Sun's new CEO. One reader said:
My coworkers who don't read VW (yet) nonetheless all hit on the same topic this morning:
"Did you see the Sun's new —-"
"Ponytail, yeah."
He gets that all the time, surely. But people have hit where it hurts (or would hurt if My Little Ponytail or any of his cohorts cared about some snarky blog).
Readers and commenters balked at his recommendation that GM use free cars as loss leaders for the OnStar service (what's wrong with that? Cars are exactly like software, right?).
Two commenters agreed that Schwartz is just a placeholder until the board sells Sun, so don't get too attached.
But the best news? According to a ZABA search, Schwartz (that's Jonathan I, age 40) lives in the heart of Noe Valley. And according to Zillow, his house is worth $2 mil:

Jonathan Schwartzes in CA [Zaba search]
700 Noe St., SF, CA [Zillow]
Earlier: Sun's Jon Schwartz wants to be indie [Valleywag]
And: Jon Schwartz is a Noe poser [Valleywag]