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An unexpected deluge of Anthony Pellicano Wiretapping Trial of the Century-related material today necessitates the use of that most hallowed of blog post formats, the afternoon round-up:
· Pellicano told his girlfriend that high-powered divorce lawyer Dennis Wasser, who represented Tom Cruise in ending his marriage to Nicole Kidman, "had received wiretap information" from him (though not necessarily for that case), getting our hopes up that one day an audio tape might surface of Kidman presciently suggesting that Cruise "find someone young and desperate to terrorize with his turkey baster." [NY Times]
· Vanity Fair has posted the big Pellicano story from its upcoming issue on their website. But who's got time to read all those "words"? Certainly not us, who fainted dead away just from the sight of that gigantic, uninterrupted column of text. We'll take a look once the intern arrives with the smelling salts necessary to get through the whole thing. [Vanity Fair]
· TMZ claims that prosecutors have only listened to 25 percent of Pellicano's tapes, raising the possibility that more wiretapping fun is still to come. Also, they have some snappy video of the PI showing off in The Pelican Cave in happier, less incarcerated times. []