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  • Bubble billionaire (from Mark Cuban signs with Sirius Satellite Radio, promising to "raise hell" and "take no prisoners." We can only hope Donald Trump takes Mark's war metaphors literally and breaks his jaw — or at least starts a noogie fight. [Orbitcast]
  • co-founder Brent Hoberman quits and crawls back into the outdoors (or "the big bright place with no Internet"). [BBC]
  • "Don't blame Scott" for Sun Microsystems' financial failure, says Wired News about the exiting CEO, before giving a dozen reasons to blame Scott. [Wired News]
  • See, we're not the only obsessed ones: From the bowels of the Internet, a gallery of Steve Jobs caricatures. [all about Steve]
  • Computer Associates International CEO Sanjay Kumar pleads guilty to eight counts of securities fraud and eight of obstruction, taking "full responsibility" for his crimes — after lying about them for six years. Is that integrity? Meh, it's close enough for Valley work. [NYT]