They're charming so we don't have to be — Valley PR folks will win your heart over in the Snacky or Flacky tournament. The first batch of reader-nominated flacks is served fresh and piping hot.

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The flack: Susan MacTavish Best
The firm: Best PR, founder
The pic: Susan and Jim [SmugMug]
The big client: Craigslist
The juice: Best has been lovey-dovey with Craigslist CEO Jim Buckmaster (pictured).

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The flack: Paula Gould
The firm: TagWorld, PR director
The pic: TagWorld [Flickr]
The juice: The only PR person you can hook up with on a social site and not feel creepy

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The flack: Miles Perkins
The firm: Industrial Light and Magic, senior publicist
The pic: Miles Perkins [Enigmaterial]
The juice: Perkins plays bass for the swingingest of jazz bands, Mingus Amungus.

Keep sending in the noms — e-mail (subject: Snacky or Flacky), IM HeyValleywag, or comment below. (For instance, where are a certain male Google flack's rabid fans?) Next week, the best noms battle for your hearts.

Part of: Valleywag hotties: Snacky or Flacky? [Valleywag]