This image was lost some time after publication.'s paparazzi video of Jeremy Piven carrying an incapacitated woman on the sidewalk outside of new club Shag might look like the actor merely dropped by for some take-out, but such misunderstandings are why publicists have jobs:

The woman, one of Piven's best friends, apparently was too "tired" to walk to Piven's car after leaving Shag, according to Piven's publicist. Piven, who didn't valet his car, agreed to carry her.

Piven was able to get the young woman safely in his car and drove away.

It seems that Piven's Journey of a Lifetime to India changed him more profoundly than we'd imagined. Not only has he simplified his life by refusing to valet (an open declaration of war on the wasteful Hollywood lifestyle), the Piv cut short his evening to help a friend in need instead of having his assistant stash her in the car, crack a window, and return to the club to help him scout the remaining, still-upright talent.

UPDATE: Several readers, including one who claims to have been at Shag last night, have identified Piven's damsel-in-distress as Las Vegas star Vanessa Marcil, leaving us to wonder if only celebrities are eligible to receive his fireman-carry, club-to-curbside escort services.

[Photo: x17 video on TMZ]