This image was lost some time after publication.

The sun is shining, the pollen is in the air, and that means one of our favorite times of year is right around the corner: Media softball season! And with that comes our favorite part of our favorite time of year: Media softball memos! And here's the opening pitch, an announcement of New York's first — and compulsory — softball game. In which they will be playing against themselves. (But don't knock it, to paraphrase the Woodman: It's a game with someone you love.)

The full email announcing the masturbatory and mandatory outing — circulated yesterday by m.e. Ann Clarke but apparently drafted by editorial director Hugh Lindgren and editorial assistant Emma Rosenblum (who, as we recall, orchestrated last summer's soccer face-off with The New Yorker) — is after the jump.

Athletics have returned to New York Magazine, this time in the form of an intra-staff softball game — fun! (11 pm games + extensive reliance on ringer talent to save face = end of soccer at NY mag.) I tried to schedule a game against The New Yorker, but apparently there's no room in their league. "Freeloader," they called me/us! We'll get them, yet... In any event, we're going to play against each other, and our first game will be on Friday, May 5th at noon. As it's on company time, you all MUST attend. More fun! But there will be food and beer and general hilarity and Lauren Bacall may even get punched in the face, if you can believe that. We'll send more details as the date nears (location, team rosters, etc.). So please go ahead & dig out extra mitts. Thanks!

Emma & Hugo

PS: If you have a previous engagement and there's no way you can break it, please send your regrets to Ann. Otherwise, we'll assume you'll be there.

Earlier: 'New York' vs. 'The New Yorker'