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I've heard Nigerian spam pitches with more cred than this rumor, but a forum poster says MySpace shopped for a wee cell-based social service.

This is something started by my aunties best friend, MySpace offered to buy it for £5million, so i think it's gooing to be big. I'm not advertising, i just think it's damn cool, and that people here might find it useful. It's only been online for 10weeks, so it's damn small, but it's gooing to be big, you can tell.

Sure, buddyPing is a glorified mashup, with a business model mimicking social site Dodgeball (now treading water at Google). And sure, Yahoo property Upcoming is planning its own cell service. And, yes, "buddyPing" is an ungainly name. But rip-off services? Dumb names? Of course it belongs with MySpace.

Buddy Ping - This is cool [ClanTemplates Forums]
buddyPing []