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Blog mogul Jason Calacanis, who just joined AOL last year, is already running the company, judging from his upcoming meeting at the beverage coaster company's HQ. From the ambitious exec's blog:

Team AOL,

I'm going to be in Dulles next Friday, April 28th and I wanted to invite *anyone* at AOL to come to a completely open discussion of where we should take *our* company. There are a lot of folks I haven't had a chance to meet and I thought this might be a good way to reach out to everyone.

It may sound like Jason wants credit for everyone's good ideas — or that he thinks he can sell a new idea to the VPs when everyone else has failed. But that's cynical. Clearly, Jason must have been promoted to CEO and he's just too humble to say so.

Or he's just beefing up his AIM buddy list.

AOL Open Office Hours (in Dulles next Friday): Let's talk product! [Jason Calacanis]

Secret spelling fix update: Thanks to AOL's C.K. Sample for proofreading Valleywag!