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Lest you think the Post is the only New York tabloid facing personnel problems, keep in mind that the News has lately been shedding features-side writers and editors the way Mort Zuckerman usually sheds editors-in-chief (and glossy celebrity magazines). Among the moves of which we're aware:

• Rebecca Louie, a reporter, is rumored to be leaving.
• Brittany Schaeffer, a tyro editorial assistant who we're told took on more reporting work than nearly anyone else, was told there wasn't room to promote her to full reporter. So she left.
• Lance Gould, the features editor who M.E./Features Orla Healy inherited from her predecessor, Colleen Curtis, was quietly canned a few weeks ago — just disappeared one day without any announcement.
• And month or two ago longtime features writer — and former media columnist — Celia McGee quit, too.
• One on the plus side: Colin Bertram, formely of the ill-fated 25 Hours, has joined up as Sunday entertainment editor.

Did we miss anyone? Let us know....

Earlier: Orla Healy's Shock and Awe Campaign