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The Franklin Avenue blog stumbled upon a curious little feature on local news station KNBC's website: a slideshow of 49 celebrity Scientologists, presented in alphabetical order, and without any explanation of their involvement with L. Ron Hubbard's happy little family—just names and pictures. The big players are all represented, (hello Tom, Kirstie, Travolta, and heavy-handed, Oscar-winning writer/director Paul Haggis!), but perhaps the most interesting part of the slideshow is the "former Scientologists" section at the end of the presentation, featuring Emilio Estevez, Brad Pitt, Kate "Mrs. Steven Spielberg" Capshaw, Demi Moore, and Jerry Seinfeld. We don't think any of them were ever fully commissioned deckhands on the Freewinds; they probably completed a course or two, wandered into the wrong room during the Celebrity Centre's famous brunch, or in the case of Pitt, put up with Juliette Lewis' e-meter talk just to get laid.