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The SF Chronicle's Alan Saracevic interviewed Craig Newmark this week about Craigslist. Skip the prelude — "this digital media revolution we're in," "changing landscape" — and the intro — you know Craig's story, right? — and dive into the real conversation. Here's the short version, and here's the half-hour interview.


  • Craig opens with the "I'm a customer-service rep" line. It'd be a tired quirk-note by now if he weren't actually doing customer service 40 hours a week.
  • It's cute when Craig says "ain't."
  • It's less cute when Alan says "adjunct."
  • Craig doesn't want to kill the papers, he wants to live in happy harmony where everyone wins. Can you tell he's from San Francisco?
  • "I do enjoy the sound of my own voice," says Craig. So do we, Craig, so do we!
  • Editing out intentional disinformation on the forums is, says Craig, a "pain in the butt."

Killer Craig comes to The Chron [Tech Chronicles]