This image was lost some time after publication. sat down with the stars of American Dreamz, the Paul Weitz comedy that fancifully depicts a world in which America is obsessed with a televised singing competition and has a moron for a President, and asked them just how much of the movie comes directly from its real-life counterpart:

"He's Simon, all right," actor Tony Yalda recently admitted of the inspiration for Hugh Grant's tough-talking judge Martin Tweed. (Yalda plays one of the terrorists setting out to destroy America's favorite reality show.) "But there's a little bit of that weird, sleazy Ryan Seacrest vibe creeping in there too. [...]

"Chris!" Yalda loudly affirmed when asked to name his pick for this season's "American Idol" winner. "Chris is the sex god, a good dad, and he's got the little sad story."

"I like Elliott," offered Sam Golzari, the film's terrorism-sponsored contestant, Omer. "Elliott has diabetes."

"Oh, diabetes, everyone has diabetes these days," the skeptical Yalda shot back. "But Chris has two children. He put his dream on hold. Vote for him, America. Vote for Chris!"

Yalda's blind devotion to the hunky rocker contestant is touching: Clearly, he doesn't take Daughtry to be the type to leave his wife and adopted dependents for the all-you-can-eat pussy pastures of rock stardom. But if TMZ's reports of Daughtry's diva-like behavior and third-degree birdicide are to be believed, we're wondering if perhaps his "sad little story" is just that—a cynical ploy. No, we'll take underdog "Diabetes Elliot" any day: Even if he's faking every on-camera insulin injection, it shows just how committed the guy is to working for his pity votes.

UPDATE: A Defamer operative who has seen the movie tells us got their facts wrong: Yalda doesn't play a terrorist, but a flaming, showtune-loving teen who coaches Omer for the competition.