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From the MySpace event listing featuring the above invite:

The HOTTEST club in Vegas. LADIES FREE on my GUESTLIST!!! RSVP with your FULL name BEFORE 2pm on Friday If you have more than 2 guests, leave another ladies name, and I will add them as well.

Only Ladies names will be put on the list, Dress code will be STRICTLY enforced and as always all entry is at the Doorman's discretion. So come lookin good!

We know that it's common industry practice to try to keep the male-to-female clubgoer ratios skewed vaginaward, but with event promoters so dedicated to luring women into Hayden Christensen's birthday party, it will be almost statistically impossible for his publicist not to snap a picture of her client making out with an off-duty stripper, then leak it to the rags as evidence of his heterosexuality.