First thing's first: Word we're hearing is that Chuck Eddy's replacement as the Voice music editor will be Rob Harvilla, currently of the VVM-owned East Bay Express.

Next, it seems we might have been premature in announcing Robert Christgau's departure. No confirmation yet that he was axed, and, in fact, a source at the paper is under the impression that Xgau is still kicking — tho the source also acknowledges that no one quite knows what's going on there anymore. Judging from the general tone of all of the many emails we received on the topic, if in fact Eddy's outtie and Christgau hung on, the consensus — both inside and outside the Voice — is that HQ canned the wrong rock fogie.

Finally, Gabe Sherman's Observer piece today also has news that two top web folks quit the paper in recent weeks. We're told that, too, was over "disagreements with the new owners of the company."

More coming soon, we're sure...

Earlier: Gawker's coverage of the 'Village Voice.'