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We're told this an email sent to Fox News staff today from its senior vice president of news editorial, John Moody. We have no confirmation that it's from him, and — come to think of it — we'd be thrilled to know we're totally wrong:

For those who live — or more precisely, try to live — the Christian faith:

This is the saddest day of the liturgical year, and also the day most imbued with promise. A man, tortured nearly to death, submitted to a method of execution that would cheer Al Qaeda, before a jeering, religiously-skewed crowd. This man, who not only had done nothing wrong, but accepted punishment to atone for our sins, who might have summoned a legion of angry angels to the rescue, instead begged His father to forgive us.

The mystery of the death and Resurrection of Jesus the Christ remains beyond our poor ability to decipher. We can only take comfort from the hope of salvation that these mysteries bring with them.

Happy Easter.

Thanks, John. And a ziessen Pesach to you.