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Breaking news from the Sony lot, where an operative reports that employees are being terrorized by a cloud of tiny, yellow killers:

[A friend] just called from the Clark Gable building on the Sony Lot to inform me that a huge swarm of what appear to be Africanized bees have invaded. Their building has been sealed (with the workers trapped inside) while the fire department, etc. try to figure out what to do.

If anyone has any information about this sudden, Biblical-level plague, drop us a line. Especially if it turns out that the panic was a misunderstanding caused by sartorially exuberant studio head Amy Pascal golf-carting around the lot in a bee costume to drum up support for a reimagining of 1978's The Swarm.

UPDATE: A employee from the Gable building gives an update:

We weren't exactly trapped...they let us out through a back door, but the killer bee situation was problematic. We had someone come for an interview this afternoon and she didn't know about the entrance in the back of the building. She is allergic to bees, and described the terror of having to run through the swarm into the building.

It's all pretty ridiculous.

Having to exit through a back door does't quite have the pop of "trapped," but that can all be massaged in the editing room. We still think Sony Presents: Killer Swarm! smells like a hit.