Valleyspeak: Final prelims
The bastardization of the language continues. The last Valleyspeak entries are in:
budite: A technologically backward person still listening to music on that old portable CD player instead of an iPod with earbuds. [David Brown]
Gushroom Effect: The gush, awe and fan-base increase proportional to the size of one's or a company's estimated wealth. [Anonymous]
Tubastic: Wonderful or superb, remarkable, worthy to be broadcasted on YouTube. [Dan Tam]
Rapples: Alley reporters who make a living following our favorite Cupertino company. [Alexa Smith]
Web2.0MFG: Undefined. [Ginevra Kirkland]
Web2.0 RLY: Undefined. [Ginevra Kirkland]
Sext Messaging: Sending salacious text messages to somebody, replacing phone sex. [Dianne McGunigle]
'Spacing Out: Instead of putting the coversheet on your TPS report, you spend your whole afternoon stalking your ex-girlfriend and writing haiku comments on MySpace. [Darren Lepke]
Now the best Valleyspeak will compete for your love (and for over $200 at iTunes). Voting begins later today.
Part of: Valleyspeak contest: Coin a word, win $240 of music [Valleywag]