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More readers jumped into the Valleyspeak Contest, coining words for the Valley and tech world. A moment of silence, please, for the English language. May it rest in peace.

Dis-topia: Your friend lands a job at Dis-topia, a big internet company with a celebrity chef, free coffee, haircuts, valet parking, foosball etc. Then they smugly stop returning your calls. [Jo Miller]

Goofled: When someone confesses (usually after a few drinks) that they flubbed a job interview at Google before the IPO. [Jo Miller]

Histeria: Excessive or uncontrollable emotion exhibited by male geeks when: (1) entering Fry's, (2) describing a new Web 2.0 company, and/or (3) blogging about Foo Camp. (see related verb "to ajax off") [S. E. August]

Goobris: The arrogance exhibited by many in the Valley, especially those that believe "the geek shall inherit the Earth." [S. E. August]

Ringtone rage: Violent behavior exhibited by cubicle dwellers, brought about by hearing their colleagues' ringtones repeatedly. [S. E. August]

Aspergered: state resulting from pouring a lot of time and energy into an obsessive hobby or project, usually pointless to outsiders. [Arnaud Hubert]

Goodwag: obsolete schwag, usually from defunct companies, that will likely end up being given to charities. [Arnaud Hubert]

Powerpoint software: Strategy,product and services that only exist, and may always exist, in a Powerpoint presentation. But hey, do not expect me to execute! [Clark]

BILF: Blogger i'd like to f***. As hot as MILF, except probably younger, and smart enough to blog. [Dan Tam]

Blogna sandwich: Reading blogs on a lunchbreak. [Jim Frost]

Bukkottke: Copious amounts of daily links that leave you feeling as if you're drowning in information. [Tony S]

Petrified Blog: Oh-so-silly habit of (typically) large-company people cutting and pasting discussions out of a blog, and then emailing that around, soliciting comment. [Ed Moran]

You have the rest of the night to send in your neologisms. I'll pick the best tomorrow morning for a voting round. Winner gets $240 on iTunes and a cord wrapper for the iPod (you DO have one, right?)

Earlier words: Prelims 1, Prelims 2, Prelims 3 [Valleywag]
Part of: Valleyspeak Contest: Coin a word, win $240 of music [Valleywag]