Trade Round-Up: McDonald's War

· Variety quotes an internal McDonald's memo about the company's preparations for a publicity war against Fox Searchlight's forthcoming Fast Food Nation: "'A lot of work is going on behind the scenes... from a crisis management standpoint,' the memo said. Though no specifics were spelled out, McDonald's is planning a 'campaign to tell the real story,' including mobilizing a 'truth squad' and possibly attempting to 'discredit the message and the messenger.'" Should early attempts at counterspin fail, the "truth squad" will be dispatched to execute Super Size Me's Morgan Spurlock as a warning to future Big Mac suppressives. [Variety]
· Woody Allen hires longtime Allen impersonator David Krumholtz to star opposite Michelle Williams in his new Paris-set movie. [THR]
· Will Smith is attached to star in Greenbacks, a "Morocco-set action thriller revolves around an American ex-pat who stumbles across a plot to destabilize the world's economy by mass-producing perfect counterfeit greenbacks." We're going to assume that the omission of "charming" from the character description was merely an oversight. [Variety]
· Veteran TV directors watched helplessly as a record number of feature directors snapped up their pilot gigs. [THR]
· Queen Latifah signs up for Welfare Queen, a "fact-based story of a woman who scammed the welfare system out of a fortune." We're going to assume that the omission of "large and sassy" from the character description was merely an oversight. [Variety]