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We nearly fell off our high chairs and fractured our skulls when we first read the lede to this Reuters story, which was clearly written to trick readers into thinking Andy Dick was getting his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame:

Squealing fans lined up ten deep on Hollywood's Walk of Fame on Tuesday, a few hurling themselves through a phalanx of minders to get close to their idol — who wore only a red T-shirt over his yellow fur.

"Nobody went this crazy over Britney Spears," a photographer marveled, as he and others snapped off shot after shot of the star. "Winnie — to your right!" another yelled.

The scene was the unveiling of the Hollywood Walk of Fame star for Winnie the Pooh, who is marking the 80th anniversary of the publication of his story in the London Evening News with an 18-month-long celebration hosted by the Walt Disney Co.

The paparazzi's potshot at Spears couldn't have come at a more inopportune moment: the very day the parenting-challenged pop star finds herself splashed across supermarket tabloids for accidentally testing the Tigger-like recoil properties of her baby's head.